Powerful, scalable software solution that transforms your Thermo Scientific Phenom Desktop SEM or Thermo Scientific Axia ChemiSEM into a specialized solution for automated, reproducible quality control and technical compliance testing of battery materials.
Avizo Trueput supports the entire quality control process in the battery production line.
- Feature detection for electrodes, anodes, cathode active materials and binders
- Detectable features: Particle size, -morphology and -orientation, cracks in particles, binders, voids, primary particles in precursor, layers
- Standard templates and intuitive customizable recipies for automated image evaluation and pass/fail criteria including recommended SEM settings for each recipe.
- Results: Particle size distribution, packing factor, number of cracked particles, crack size analysis, conformity, phase area fraction, particle orientation, layer thickness, …
- Tools for customized content visualization and automated statistical reporting: Histograms, tables, curve- and scatter plots, pie charts, images, annotations, measures legends
- Import interface for SEM and light-optical images including Meta-data (for automated direct SEM live image acquisition, see MAPS or PPI)
- Handling of any digital image, at any scale, of any size
- Scaling, calibration, conversion, re-sampling, image alignment and fusion
- Image enhancement, comprehensive filtering, Fourier transforms, artifact reduction algorithms
- Segmentation: Thresholding and auto-segmentation, object separation, automatic labeling